Come, See the Show before the 2023 Osborne Park Show!
By Marnie Adams, Contributor @ Kids In Perth 07 Nov 2023

Reveal your form in 2023 and be involved in the show before show!
In the lead-up to the 108th Osborne Park Show, over the weekend of Friday 10 and Saturday 11 November 2023, Flora Fauna Form is the FREE FAMILY EVENT bringing the community together and, it builds anticipation being the show before THE SHOW.
Who's grown the biggest pumpkin this year?
Or, our favourite... who's made the best cake decorator around?
Entries come from far and wide to win these titles.
Feeling creative? Have you've put a lot of love into growing a backyard monster? Fancy yourself as a Chef?
Enter exhibition categories like art, cakes, jams, hobbies & crafts for this pre-show event. Local primary schools are a big feature with textile, environmental & 3 dimensional projects.
The Osborne Park Agricultural Hall is the venue hosting all the community displays. There's no limit to how many categories you can select, and the prize monies, ribbons and bragging rights are all up for grabs again!
As a bonus for your exhibition registration, you'll receive a family pass to the show and display days during November 10-11 have no admission fees.
For more event information and tickets, visit
Preview | what to expect
Competition Giveaway | Enter here
For your chance to win a Family Pass to the 2023 Osborne Park Show, just fill in your details below.
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Find everything you need below for a great family weekend at the 2023 Osborne Park Show!
Looking to get in front of a local crowd? Submit a form for stallholder opportunities.
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2023 Flora Fauna Form | FREE Exhibition
Learn all about the show before the show!
Flora Fauna Form! is the FREE lead-up event to the Osborne Park Show during November.
Held the week prior to the exhibition and there's a call out for submissions!
Enter your favourite exhibition category including vegetables, cakes, jams, hobbies & crafts- in our pre-show event and show your form!
Osborne Park Agricultural Hall will host a new-look exhibits section just before the show weekend.
Enter in as many categories with prize monies, ribbons and, most importantly, this year's bragging rights up for grabs!
As a gift for your exhibition registration, you'll receive a double pass to the 2023 Osborne Park Show.
How good is that?
Preview | what to expect
Flora Fauna Form! will be an interesting thing for families to see having FREE Entry, full of smiles, music, low price snacks and drinks.
Come and enjoy this fun lead-up to the Osborne Park Show or, take a step further, by joining in the fun!
Event Details
What: Flora Fauna Form!
When: Friday 10th to Saturday 11th November, 2023
Where: OPAS Hall, 209 Main St, Osborne Park
Who: Osborne Park Agricultural Society
Why: Osborne Park (Pre) Show Exhibits 2023
Interested in putting in an entry?
For registration forms, please email Lisa Wright at or submit a form from this article.

Online Planner | Organise your weekend
Event & Ticketing Information
Friday 17 November between 5pm-10pm
Saturday 18 November between 4pm-10pm
Robinson Reserve Tuart Hill
See ticket pricing below, BOOK ONLINE to save!
Online Bookings | SAVE TIME & MONEY

Gate Pricing

Entertainment Highlights
Fireworks finale at 9pm across both evenings.

Friday November 17 | Gates open 5pm
Mayors Intro to Stirling Schools Sing a long
- Yokine Primary
- Tuart Hill Primary
- Scarborough Primary
- Gwelup Primary
- Australian Girls’ Choir
Critters Up Close Wildlife Enclosure
Old MacDonalds Travelling Farm
Saturday November 18 | Gates open 4pm
Saturday on the Field
Classic Cars 4-6pm
Hands on with Blacksmith David Moir
Birds of Prey Enclosure
Critters Up Close Wildlife Enclosure
Old Mac Donald’s Travelling Farm
RAC Helicopter
Fireworks after 9pm
Onstage from 4pm
- Servite College
- Balga High School
- Iridescence Belly Dance
- Danza Viva
- Servite College
- Balcatta Senior High School
- Perth Swing Dance Academy

Click here for Show Programme and Map
Getting there...
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Contact | Get In Touch

Osborne Park Agricultural Society, Inc
209 Main Street Osborne Park WA 6016
PO Box 86 Osborne Park WA 6917
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