Meet Auzzie – WA’s favourite Wedge-Tail Eagle!

By Cassie Hart, Editor - Kids in Perth 04 Aug 2021


If you haven’t already met her, this is Auzzie the wedge-tail eagle.  Many of you will recognise her as the West Coast Eagles much-loved mascot!  Auzzie can be seen taking flight over Optus Stadium in front of around 50,000 fans every second week before the West Coast game.

Auzzie was born in Alice Springs and taken illegally as a pet.  She was rescued and relocated to the WA Birds of Prey Centre where she was taken-in and trained by the centre’s owner and founder Yvonne Sitko.  They are now the best of friends and enjoy ‘wowing’ Perth audiences when Auzzie takes flight.

Auzzie has become an ambassador for the conservation and rehabilitation of birds of prey.


Fun facts about Auzzie

  • Auzzie weighs 3.5 kg and is 80cm tall.
  • Her largest talon is 5cm and her wingspan is a whopping 2 metres!
  • Wedge-tailed eagles are Australia’s largest raptor.
  • Their vision is 8 times more detailed resolution than humans.
  • They eat mammals, birds, reptiles and carrion (including kangaroos, wallabies, rabbits, crows, cockatoos and goannas).
  • Wedge-tailed eagles reach maturity at 6-8 years of age.
  • Auzzie’s West Coast Eagles club debut was in 2007.  In 2019 she reached her 150 game milestone!
  • After every game she gets given a rabbit to feast on as a reward.
  • Auzzie’s favourite past time is watching the footy and sharing a few rats with her friends at the WA Birds of Prey Centre.

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