3 Ways to Nurture your Child’s Creativity – with Tips from an Author/Illustrator!
By Created in collaboration with Meerilinga Young Children’s Foundation, 13 Aug 2020

In an increasingly complex world, creativity can support critical thinking and problem-solving, reduce stress and anxiety, and is a fantastic way to encourage self-expression… all handy skills to have.
Contrary to popular opinion, creativity may not be something a child is born with. Indeed, recent studies by Columbia Business School show that creativity may be a skill that can be developed as children grow. Interested? Check out these three ways to encourage and boost creativity in your child from Meerilinga and WA Author/Illustrator, Briony Stewart.
Encourage Imaginative Play
“Make believe” or imaginative play is one of the earliest forms of self-expression and experimentation, and it helps children begin to understand the world around them. A great way to learn how to manage emotions, the easiest way to encourage imaginative play is to be their playmate – show an interest and take their lead!
Kids playing with coloured sand Young boy rolling playdough
Provide Materials
Provide materials that will help your child with their creativity. Rather than puff paint or glitter, sequins or streamers – use upcycled, homemade or natural materials to create new inventions! By teaching your child there is more than one use to an object, they can start to build their toolkit of resourcefulness and innovation.
Collaborate and Connect
“Most great learning happens in groups. Collaboration is the stuff of growth”
– Ken Robinson
Collaboration and innovation go hand in hand. Encourage your child to connect with children across the state for Children’s Week WA’s first ever Book Project. The first of its kind, this statewide project encourages all children aged 0-12 to create a special book that represents their unique voices. Guided by Children’s Author and Illustrator, Briony Stewart, the project explores the UN Conventions of the Rights of the Child. After more hints to help spark creativity and ignite imagination? Check out Briony Stewart’s tips and tricks video full of amazing ideas for creating your very own picture book!
To enter the book project:
- Head to the Children’s Week WA Book Project Page
- Download the Story Pack for your Region and Age Group
- Complete the Entry Form and submit your work by Midnight, 31st August 2020
- Join in on Facebook Live on Wednesday 28th October, from 10am to see if you have been featured in the books!
Enabling children to be creative, to create something from scratch and let their imagination run is so important to their development, and laying the foundations, starting the spark at a young age can inspire their interests and pursuits later in life.
Created in collaboration with Meerilinga Young Children’s Foundation