Examples of Occupational Therapy
Fine Motor Skills Development: Many children with ASD may struggle with tasks that require precise movements, such as writing, cutting with scissors, or buttoning a shirt. An occupational therapist might use activities like stringing beads, playing with clay, or using tweezers to pick up small objects to help improve these fine motor skills.
Sensory Integration Therapy: Children with ASD often experience sensory processing challenges, such as being overly sensitive to sounds or textures. An occupational therapist might create a sensory diet—a personalized plan of activities designed to provide the right amount of sensory input—to help a child better manage their responses to sensory stimuli. For example, swinging, deep pressure activities like bear hugs, or playing with textured materials like sand or foam can be used to help regulate a child’s sensory system.
Self-Care Skills: Occupational therapists work on daily living skills that promote independence, such as teaching a child how to dress, brush their teeth, or use utensils during meals. Through step-by-step guidance and repetition, children can gradually learn to perform these tasks on their own.
Social Skills Training: Social interactions can be challenging for children with ASD. Occupational therapists use play-based interventions to help children understand social cues, take turns, and express their emotions appropriately. For example, role-playing games or structured playgroups may be used to practice these skills in a supportive environment.
Occupational Therapy offers a comprehensive approach to supporting children with Autism Spectrum Disorder by providing them with tools needed to navigate the world more effectively.
Kerry Wallace and her dedicated specialists at TherapySPOT Early Intervention Centre have helped numerous families with their holistic approach and commitment to delivering personalized, evidence-based care so each child can reach their full potential.
Learn more about TherapySPOT Early Intervention Centre by visiting therapyspotperth.com.au or clicking the shortcut buttons below!