You don’t simply grow out of dyslexia and dysgraphia, but you can lessen the impact

By Natalie Nicholls, Learning Difficulty Specialist 03 Apr 2019


Everyday I meet parents who want to know why their child is struggling at school. It’s heartbreaking to see children trying so hard but despite their best efforts, not progressing.

A common misconception is that children will grow out of it. But if the child has a learning difficulty, such as dyslexia or dysgraphia, this will not be the case. Unfortunately, in most cases, it not something that the class teacher is equipped to deal with, as most teachers are not taught how to identify and support a child with learning difficulties.

As a parent myself, I encourage you to seek advice from a specialist earlier, rather than later, to reduce the gap in learning and lessen the impact it has on their education.

Impact Education supports children with their holistic approach, focusing on the social, emotional, physical and cognitive aspects to learning. Our fully-qualified specialist teachers are unique, undergoing training in multi-sensory, brain-based methods (auditory, visual and kinaesthetic strategies) that help children make meaningful connections to enhance their learning.

If your child avoids reading, has difficulties with reading fluency, skips words or struggles with their spelling and writing, this might be a sign of an underlying learning difficulty. If you feel that your child is falling behind at school, I invite you to request a free 15 minute phone consult with a learning specialist, via the website.

For more information, contact Impact Education on 9450 3870 or visit

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