5 signs you should be working in early childhood education

By Kids in Perth in collaboration with Meerlinga Young Children's Foundation, 10 Feb 2021


The start of a new year is always a great time to reassess your career goals and values. Research found in The Australia Pay Experience Report reveals that 38% of Australian workers are unsatisfied with their job, with 44% actively looking for a new job. With the WA government’s push for affordable education opportunities, there has never been a better time to work towards a more satisfying career.

Meerlinga educator with children

But how do you know if you are suited to early childhood education?

  1. You have a passion for both teaching and learning. Children respond well to someone who is passionate, listening and responding to their learning needs.
  2. You are a good communicator. Being able to communicate in age-appropriate language to children as well as communicating each child’s learning, experiences, achievements, and outcomes with their diverse families.
  3. You have the right personality. This job requires energy and enthusiasm! Teaching through play-based activities makes you creative and good at thinking outside the box. You are excited by the challenge of engaging young minds in learning.
  4. You respect children and families. Every child and family is unique. You support each child to learn in their own way, celebrating the varying interests and skill levels within the group. You make families feel welcome and recognize them as their child’s first teacher and a highly valued partner in their child’s learning journey.
  5. You are hard-working, dedicated, and motivated to make a positive difference. Some days you will encounter frustration, temper tantrums and changing plans (and that’s just the adults!). It takes a dedicated individual to know the incredible impact that your skills and positive attitude have on the future learning outcomes of our children.

Sound like you? Find out more about completing your CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Carewith Meerilinga Training College (MTC). Already achieved your Cert III? Upskill and upgrade your qualification with a CHC50113 Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care through class based or Traineeship learning. Both the Certificate III and Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care are now half price and 72% off respectively.

Email mtc@meerilinga.org.au or phone 08 9489 4022 for your free course information pack.

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