Helping children manage Back-to-School-jitters
By Marnie Adams, Contributor @ Kids in Perth 07 Feb 2022

For many children, the days or weeks before the start of school can bring on feelings of both excitement and anxiety.
It may start with your child having unexplained tummy aches or headaches. They may be acting out or quieter than normal as worries swirl in their head. They might even struggle to sleep at night or burst into tears more quickly than normal.
Every child deals with anxiety differently so it’s important for parents to recognise when something isn’t quite right with them.
As adults, we know the feeling of anxiety all too well, it's unpleasant however the good news is... we can help our children manage this feeling with simple and effective strategies.
Di Wilcox, founder of The Magic Coat, took notice of this anxiety in school children during her teaching career.
Rather than simply brushing it off, during recess and lunch times, Di would spend time speaking with these children to understand what was going through their minds and why they were struggling to concentrate.

She found that most children who were struggling love school but felt overwhelmed with worries and what they are going through in and out of school.
From this discovery, Di started to research, taking particular interest in the areas of Positive Psychology and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) concepts.
Initially, she produced lessons to help children in her classroom manage their worries, while also, building inner confidence and resilience. Very soon, other teachers were approaching Di for these lessons to implement in their own classroom. Eventually, Di found herself being invited to present at schools around Perth.
Since leaving her teaching career many years ago, Di’s ideas and philosophies are embodied in The Magic Coat and its mission of encouraging children to learn and reflect positive qualities such as love, happiness, empathy, and kindness through published books and workshops.
Learn more about the Magic Coat by visiting
What is The Magic Coat?
The Magic Coat is a tool that has been developed to help create confident, calm and caring kids who know how to problem solve, feel safe and manage their emotions appropriately for them to have good mental health and wellbeing.
The program helps children learn to take control and responsibility for their own world and to create positive relationships with adults and children around them.

For Parents
- For the program to be most effective parents or caregivers are encouraged to attend workshops with their children. Each workshop facilitates important connections and conversations between parent and child so that this communication can continue at home.
For Professionals
- The Magic Coat is a universal program that doesn't just target one particular type of child. It provides techniques and strategies that are beneficial to every child. The program is taught to teachers, psychologists, social workers, police officers, foster carers and anyone else who deals with children.
Digital Workshops
- Di Wilcox and The Magic Coat team have now created online, digital workshops. These workshops come with a workbook and Auslan translated versions.
Book a School or Community Workshops
- If you would like to book a workshop with The Magic Coat for a school or community please contact The Magic Coat
Bring The Magic Coat into your home

The Magic Coat Book
The Magic Coat teaches children to use the analogy of a bright yellow coat that has magic pockets inside. Each pocket contains characters that will enable them to deal with the day to day issues that they are facing. Children are encouraged to imagine that they are putting the coat on every morning before school so that they feel ready to face the day.

Magic Coat Toddler Book
The sooner we introduce our children to The Magic Coat the better.
It also comes with a Toddler Journal where parents can keep records and pictures of their children whilst also reading tips and strategies to help raise a healthy and happy toddler.
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Location | Visit The Pocket
The Pocket is a safe space for kids, it's the home of The Magic Coat.
Get In Touch | Have Questions?
Get in touch with Di Wilcox from The Magic Coat

0477 997 661
The Pocket, 40R Bay View Terrace, Claremont, Western Australia 6010