High-quality early learning to buzz about!
By Marnie Adams, Contributor @ Kids In Perth 09 Jan 2023

Photo Credit: Busy Bees Early Learning
Based on discovery and exploration, Busy Bees Early Learning's innovative approach to early childhood education lets every child find their unique voice. Children have uninterrupted time for play, plenty of freedom, a calm and relaxed environment, cooperative relationships and full attention. They believe quality Early Learning does more than just prepare children to become eager school students – it builds resilience, vital social skills and independence.
At Busy Bees, children’s voices are not only heard but nurtured and supported. What makes you happy? What makes you sad? What would you like to do today? These are some of the many questions that Busy Bees Educators ask children each day, making your child feel important, valued and empowered so they can be at their best. These questions are also important for the knowledge, understanding and value that can be obtained through the child’s voice when they're answering.
Photo Credit: Busy Bees Early Learning
At Busy Bees, the child’s voice is encouraged each day by:
- Actively listening to children’s ideas and suggestions
- Providing a safe space where children are encouraged to ask questions
- Role modelling the values of respect, kindness and gratitude
- Acknowledging that each child is different and has individual perspectives
- Partnering with families to encourage positive development, growth and interests
- Supporting children’s interests, ideas and agency in the classroom
- Facilitating routines that acknowledges flexibility and freedom.

Photo Credit: Busy Bees Early Learning
Acknowledging children’s individual perspectives and listening to their voices is extremely important for self-development, and not only is this showcased within Busy Bees classrooms on a daily basis, but the child’s voice is also celebrated and encouraged across a number of Busy Bees initiatives and learning programs designed to build self-confidence and relationships that are built on respect, gratitude and trust.
Busy Bees Early Learning is passionate about giving every child the best start in life, they proudly offer their high-quality early learning program at 30 childcare centres across Perth.
If you're interested in finding out more about Busy Bees Early Learning, give them a buzz on 1300 851 331 or book a tour online today!
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When at Busy Bees Early Learning, you’ll find education and care programs designed to meet the needs of individual children, with flexible and responsive routines and transitions.
Every child’s naturally inquisitive mind is inspired by meaningful, relevant programs led by passionate Teaching Practitioners and Educators.
Busy Bees Early Learning sets the foundation for lifelong learning by helping your child to develop dispositions such as Curiosity, Adaptation, Creativity, Mindfulness, Resilience, Connectedness and Secure Identity.

Video/Photo Credit: Busy Bees Early Learning
How old is your child?
Please click on one of the age groups below for easier navigation.

Video/Photo Credit: Busy Bees Early Learning
Babies (6 Weeks - 1 Year)
From birth to one year of age, your child is actively absorbing the world around them, taking note of what they see and hear. They mimic expression and movement and are very alert to sound and visual stimulation.
At this age children develop a strong sense of connection with our Educators who expertly interact in a nurturing way, extending their learning and sense of security.
Tiny Toddlers (1 - 2 Years)
As your child enters early Toddler years, they become quite the little mover and shaker.
They're starting to interact verbally and non-verbally with the world around them, making their voice heard. They may be starting to attempt to stand on their own and possibly even take a few steps. They may begin to notice how others around them are feeling and become sad when they see others sad or laugh when they see others laughing.
During this developmental period, children really start to find their feet and strive for independence under the watchful eye of Busy Bee's supportive Educators.
Video/Photo Credit: Busy Bees Early Learning
Learning Environment
Busy Bee's nursery rooms are carefully designed to offer babies a calm and relaxed environment with lots of different experiences to explore. With lots of age-appropriate toys, calming neutral colours and natural materials, it feels like a welcoming home away from home.

Video/Photo Credit: Busy Bees Early Learning
Toddlers (2-3 Years)
At this age, your child is curious about the world around them, learning more about their place within it. Many toddlers love to express themselves by creating art; experimenting with colour, squiggles and marks and they love showing off their creations.
Toddlers also enjoy perfecting physical development skills such as running, jumping and dancing.
Play becomes more active and social as children engage with each other, creating role-play scenarios.
Often, everyday scenarios such as grocery shopping or visiting the doctor, as they learn to make sense of routine experiences.
During this period, language begins to flourish with toddlers developing the confidence to verbally communicate needs, likes and dislikes.
Video/Photo Credit: Busy Bees Early Learning
Learning Environment
Busy Bee's toddler rooms are vibrant and challenging learning spaces designed to engage your toddler’s sense of curiosity and discovery. Educators use their keen eye and expertise to create learning environments that inspire and invite children to learn, play and interact with their surroundings and each other while building confidence and independence.

Video/Photo Credit: Busy Bees Early Learning
Pre-Kindy (3-4 Years)
The age of 3-4 years is a time of big social and emotional development for children as they begin to develop stronger friendships with peers.
Children begin speaking in longer sentences and becoming more imaginative in play, setting the stage for more cooperative group play involving role play or complex fantasy scenarios!
At this age, they really begin to learn about their place in the world and their ability to influence things and people around them.
Educators focus on nurturing individuality and building confidence, while also encouraging children to build cooperative and respectful relationships with others.
Video/Photo Credit: Busy Bees Early Learning
Learning Environment
Busy Bee Early Learning's purpose-built Kindy environments equip children with all the essentials they need to develop into confident, school-ready learners.
Exciting learning experiences build independence and encourage social interactions.
Your child will be supported by an educational program that's challenging, consultative and reflects their individuality in the classroom.

Video/Photo Credit: Busy Bees Early Learning
Kindergarten (4 Years)
Starting school is a big transition for children and families, and it's important for children to also be prepared emotionally for this change.
Busy Bees Early Learning's School Readiness programs prepare children with cognitive, emotional and social skills needed to handle any challenge, including:
- Regulating emotions
- Showing empathy and care for others
- Joining in group play and making connections with peers
- Caring for their own needs
- Taking care of their belongings
- Asking for help when they need it
- Understanding and following directions
- Developing fine motor skills needed for writing and drawing
- Pre-reading skills
Video/Photo Credit: Busy Bees Early Learning
Learning Environment
With guidance from qualified Educators and Early Childhood Teachers, your child will experience a stimulating approach to learning supported by an educational program that is challenging, insightful and consultative to give them a head start in their educational journey.

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At Busy Bees, their people are passionate about delivering early years education that empowers and inspires children to create their own futures.
Busy Bees Early Learning is a global organisation with big ambitions for growth, and they're always looking for exceptional people to help them lead the way.
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