Is your child finding reading tricky?
By Marnie Adams, Contributor @ Kids In Perth | In collaboration with Telethon Speech & Hearing Centre 07 Feb 2023

Video / Photo Credit: Telethon Speech & Hearing Centre
Did you know that one in every 15 children has an undiagnosed developmental language disorder (DLD)? This commonly presents as challenges learning to read and write. For a child with a DLD, language and communication are exhausting and, without early intervention, could set them back in later years.
Telethon Speech & Hearing has limited spaces available for 2023 enrolment in Talkabout 5, a program for children in their pre-primary year (born 1 July 2017 - 30 June 2018) who have a speech and language delay or disorder.
As a highly effective alternative to traditional language support models, Talkabout’s multi-disciplinary approach combines teaching and group therapy. Children attend classes in Wembley for two full days per week, joining their peers at mainstream pre-primary for the remainder of the week.
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The comprehensive program seeks to ensure there is no impact on a child’s long-term social and educational growth.
Owen’s speech lagged behind his peers and, by the age of two-and-a-half, he used only a handful of words, signs and gestures to communicate with others.
“I could see the social impact of him not being able to communicate with his peers,” explained Owen’s mum. “He was becoming a very frustrated little boy.
“I saw an advertisement for Telethon Speech & Hearing and was delighted to find I could apply with no referral needed.
“The Talkabout program was brilliant. No-one becomes a parent expecting to walk a path that isn’t straight, but if you’re on that path, this is the team you want showing you the way. It’s not just Owen who has benefited, but my whole family.
“He’s now an extremely talkative child who has a great imagination and loves to make friends.”
For more information, visit or call 9387 9888 to learn more.
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About | Telethon Speech & Hearing Centre
Telethon Speech & Hearing's Talkabout program consists of a unique and expert collaboration between education and therapy. Their team include educators and therapists, audiologists and a family liaison officer.
The program includes early therapy and playgroups, and also offers part-time kindy and pre-primary registered school programs for children who are experiencing language delay. Educators and therapists work together to best support children in the school program.
Telethon Speech & Hearing (TSH) is a Western Australian based not-for-profit organisation, registered charity and independent school offering quality diagnostic, therapy and education support to empower children with their hearing, speech and language development.
Originating in 1966, TSH began with a group of parents, who had great hopes for the future of their profoundly deaf children and refused to settle for what they thought was “second-best”.
These parents decided to start a school of their own.
With five students, no premises, little money and no experience, they made a commitment to pursue the very best oral education for their children. The following year they started The Speech & Hearing Centre for Children WA Inc., and a registered school officially opened on 6th February 1967.
Now known as Telethon Speech & Hearing, the centre has grown from these humble beginnings to become the only place in WA providing diagnostic, education and therapy services in a single location.
As experts in their field, they excel in bringing together services to support children and families to speak, hear, connect and learn in ways that empower them to live fulfilling lives.
TSH is a Registered NDIS Provider and can help eligible children and families through the NDIS.
Call (08) 9387 9888, email or visit to discuss how they can best support your child and family.
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